tutor | salim boulos


With the expansion of urban density due to population growth, nowadays architects and urban planners are in search of alternatives for new spatial configurations for settling and housing in the cities. As an example of how the field of architecture is adapting to new ways of living in society is the spread of shared housing and workspaces. As a reaction to the isolation and quarantines inflicted by the pandemic, co-
working and co-living facilities, mixed-use buildings, flexible spaces, and temporary installations come as a solution and are associated, with the idea of sharing spaces.
This studio interrogated conventional approaches of a domestic space, in regards to its integration in a community and a physical context. How can the home traditionally defined as an atomic unit of society, be adapted to new necessities, new ways of living, and ever evolving conditions? What are the new paradigms of “living” that create new definitions and interrelationships of the constituents of the domestic realm?
The semester was divided into two main projects tackling the idea of living together in a communal autonomous ecosystem to lead the way to a more complex collective system in direct relation with an urban context. Both projects were articulated around the analysis of precedents that played a major role in defining building scenarios and architectural languages. Moreover, the site – more directly implemented in the second project- was analyzed and considered as an integral part of the design process and the project’s concept and final outcome.

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