moussa el zein

Bourj Hammoud has always been a rich location for precious crafts that have been mastered over many generations. In today’s rapidly growing world, such crafts and trades are vanishing and being replaced by cheaply, mass produced items that can satisfy the growing demand. This problematic has lead us to ask ourselves: How can we pass these crafts and their mastery to the future generations to come? Moreover, can we slow down or reverse this problem by promoting the existing crafts and nominating Bourj Hammoud to become the new welcome center of Lebanon? The design being proposed occupies a 3,500 sqm lot which contains an existing abandoned hangar that was once the workshop for many brass and steel artisans. The intention of the design is to bring life back to the hangar in the form of a garden that lies in the center of the project. We developed a suitable program that provides functions such as specialized workshop spaces that can be rented for a fee, gallery spaces for public display, shops that provide artisans a point of sale, and accomodations for visitors.

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